10 Years

10 years ago today we launched our flagship app, Price Spectre. At the time repricing on eBay was virtually non-existent and automated repricing was not something widely available for any marketplace. When we developed Price Spectre in 2019 eBay’s catalog was limited to just a few top-level categories like books and DVDs and these were the only products that enterprise providers like Mercent could reprice.  Price Spectre solved this problem by the providing a search console that allowed sellers to interactively create and fine-tune a very specific search that would be performed on eBay regardless if their product was in the catalog or not.  10 years later and after nearly a decade of promises eBay’s catalog is still not sufficient and general repricing services like Price Spectre are still very much in demand.

Before Price Spectre many features that the industry have adopted did not exist.  We pioneered such features as manual repricing where price suggestions are offered instead of price changes being performed and scheduled repricing downtimes where prices can be reset at specific times.

In those 10 years we have onboarded over 20000 eBay sellers and reprice millions of listings per day.  We have been able to do this despite the strict limitations that eBay imposes on all eBay apps without having to reduce functionality or increase prices for our customers the entire time.

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